Common Benign Growths of the Skin

There are many benign growths that occur on the skin. The general characteristics of a benign growth include a lesion that is stable and not changing in any way, that does not bleed, and that does not have any symptoms.

Moles known to dermatologists by the medical term nevi are skin colored to brown growths that begin flat like a freckle, and as we age become raised to varying degrees and may become more fleshy and lighter in color later in life. Importantly benign moles are symmetrical, uniformly pigmented, and are usually smaller than a pencil eraser.

Skin tags are little flaps of skin that occur in body fold areas that do not require treatment but can easily be removed.

Solar lentigenes that are commonly referred to as liver spots are flat brown spots that occur due to chronic sun exposure and increase in number and size as we age. They have nothing to do with your liver other than the spots are brown and so is your liver.

Seborrheic keratosis are generally dry to waxy tan to brown stuck on warty growths that occur as we get older that do not require treatment but can easily be removed with liquid nitrogen.

Angiomas are benign growths of blood vessels that are red to purple. One variety called the cherry angioma appears as we get older and look like a blood blister.

Dermatofibromas are reddish brown firm bumps in the skin that feel like a pebble in the skin.

Cysts are mobile nodules under the skin that are benign growths of a hair follicle.

All of these benign growths are normal and do not require treatment. If you do not want any of them, these benign lesions can be removed easily.